what we do
Welcome to our Church
Worship God
Worshiping God is a central and profound aspect of the Christian faith, reflecting a deep connection between believers and their Creator
Listen His Word
God’s Word, often referred to as the Bible, holds central importance in Christianity. It is considered by believers to be the inspired and authoritative revelation of God to humanity.
Pray for People
Praying for others is a powerful and compassionate way for individuals to intercede on behalf of those in need, expressing care, support, and love.
Our Mission
What's new about World Wide Christ Mission?
We are Disciplines of Jesus
We exist to Bring Glory to God by making Disciples through Gospel-Centered Worship, Community, Service & Multiplication. Jesus consistently modeled a life of prayer. He frequently withdrew to solitary places to commune with God (Mark 1:35) and taught His disciples the importance of persistent and heartfelt prayer (Matthew 6:6-13, Luke 11:1-4).
What our members say
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